OCC Hematology Disease Site Group


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Wells, R. A., Leber, B., Buckstein, R., Lipton, J. H.m Hasegawa, W., Grewal, K., Yee, K., Olney, H. J., Larratt, L., Vickars, L., & Tinmouth, A.
Iron Overload in myelodysplastic syndromes: a Canadian consensus guideline
Rauw, J., Wells, R. A., Chesney, A., Reis, M. D., & Buckstein, R.
Validation of a scoring system to establish the pretest probability of myelodysplastic syndrome in patients with unexplained cytopenias or macrocytosis
Buckstein, R., Jang, K. M., Friedlich, J., Zhang, L., Reis, M., Chesney, A., & Wells, R. A.
Estimating the prevalence of myelodysplastic syndromes in patients with unexplained cytopenias: a retrospective study of 322 bone marrows
Ingber, S. A., Thompson, K., Lam, A., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., Shabbir, A., Good, D., Chesyney, A., Reis, M. D., Cheung, M., Harris, V., Wells, R. A., & Buckstein, R.
The effects fo azacitidine on quality of life measured longitudinally in MDS patients treated at a tertiary care center
Rauh, M. J., Mahendru. D., Shapiro, R., Chesney, A., Good. D., Reis, M. D., Lam, A., Krystal, G., Buckstein, R., & Wells, R. A.
Arginase and YKL-40, effectors of immunosuppressive myeloid cells, are over-expressed in the bone marrow of most chronic myelomonocytic leukemia patients, and are potential prognostic biokmarkers in myelodysplastic syndrome
Rauw, J., Wells, R. A., Chesney, A., Reis, M., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.
Validation of a scoring system to establish the probability of myelodysplasti syndrome in patients with unexplained cytopenias or macrocytosis
Buckstein, R., Yee, K., Wells, R. A., & Canadian Consortium on Evidence-based Care in MDS
5-Azacytidine in myelodysplastic syndromes: a clinical practice guideline
Tseng, E., Seung, S., Mittmann, N., Callum, J., Wells, R. A., Kim, T., & Buckstein, R.
Utilization and costs of red blood cell transfusions pre- and post-azacitidine in higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes
Jayakar, J., Wells, R. A., Khalaf, D., Mamedov, A., Lam, A., Lenis, M., & Buckstein, R.
Validation of the Nordic Scoring System for eythropoietic stimulating agents in MDS using IWG 2006 erythroid response criteria
England, J. T., Zhang, L., Buckstein, R., Lenis, M., Li, C., Earle, C., & Wells, R. A. (
Income and outcome in myelodysplastic syndrome: the prognostic impact of SES in a single-payer system
Buckstein, R., Wells, R. A., Zhu, N., Nevill, T. J., Leitch, H. A., Yee, K. W. L., Leber, B., Sabloff, M., Kumar, R., Geddes, M., Shamy, A., Levitt, M., Lenis, M., Mamedoc, A., Zhang, L., & Alinhai, S. M. H.
Patient related factors have an independent impact on overall survival in myelodysplastic syndrome patients: a report of the MDS-CAN Registry
Saskin, A., Lin, Y., Wells, R. A., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Callum, J., & Buckstein, R.
Prophylactic Rh and Kell antigen matching significantly decreases rates of alloimmunization in transfusion dependent MDS patients
Chan, L. S., Shapiro, R. A., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Callum, J., Chodirker, L., Lee, C. D., Prica, A., Lam, A., Mamedov, A., & Wells, R. A.
Initial transfusion intensity predicts survival in myelodysplastic syndrome
Parmar, A., Leitch, H. A., Wells, R. A., Nevill, T. J., Zhu, N. Y., Yee, K. W. L., Leber, B., Sabloff, M., St-Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Geddes, M., Storring, J., Kew, A., Shamy, A., Elemary, M., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., & Buckstein, R.
Iron chelation is associated with improved survival adjusting for disease and patient related characteristics in low/int-1 risk MDS at the time of first transfusion dependence: a MDS-CAN study.
Tseng, E., Prica, A., Zhang, L., Mittmann, N., Seung, S. J., Callum, J., Kim, T., Wells, R. A., & Buckstein, R.
Monthly blood transfusions decrease after four months of azacitidine
Hammond, D., Jamali, M., Wells, R. A., Zhang, L., Mamedox, A., Lenis, M., & Buckstein, R.
Impact of bone marrow fibrosis in MDS patients treated with azacitidine
Buckstein, R., Wells, R. A., Zhu, N., Leitch, H. A., Nevill, T. J., Yee, K. W. K., Leber, B., Sabloff, M., St. Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Geddes, M., Shamy, A., Storring, J., Kew, A., Elemary, M., Levitt, M., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., Rockwood, K., & Alibhai, S. M. H.
Patient-related factors independently impact overall survival in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes: an MDS-CAN prospective study
Abel, G. A., Efficace, F., Buckstein, R., Tinsley, S., Jurcic, J. G., Martins, Y., Steensma, D. P., Watts, C. D., Raza, A., Lee, S. J., List, A. F., & Klaassen, R. J.
Prospective international validation of the quality of life in myelodysplasia scale (QUALMS)
Abel, G. A., & Buckstein, R.
Integrating frailty, comorbidity, and quality of life in the management of myelodysplastic syndromes
Blunt, D. N., Wells, R. A., Chodirker, L., Rockwood, K., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Fulcher, J., Sabloff, M., Keating, M., Leber, B., Leitch, H. A., Yee, K. W. L., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N. G., Storring, J., Nevill, T. J., Shamy, A., Kumar, R., Elemary, M., Delage, R., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.
Predictive factors of overall survival and the completion of four cycles of azacitidine: an MDS-CAN study
Leitch, H. A., Parmar, A., Wells, R. A., Chodirker, L., Zhu, N., Nevill, T. J., Yee, K. W. L., Leber, B., Keating, M., Sabloff, M., St Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Delage, R., Gedded, M., Storring, J. M., Kew, A., Shamy, A., Elemary, M., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Ivo, J., Francis, J., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.
Overall survival in lower IPSS risk MDS by receipt of iron chelation therapy, adjusting for patient-related factors and measuring from time of firt red blood cell transfusion dependence: an MDS-CAN analysis
Houston, B. L., Jayakar, J., Wells, R. A., Lenism N., Zhang, L., Zhu, N., Leitch, H. A., Nevill, T. J., Yee, K. W. L., Leber, B., Sabloff, M., St-Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Geddes, M., Shamy, A., Storring, M., Keating, M., Elemary, M., Delage, R., Mamedov, A., & Buckstein, R.
A predictive model of response to erythropoietin stimulating agents in myelodysplastic syndrome: from the Canadian MDS patient registry
Buckstein, R., Balleari, E., Wells, R., Santini, V., Sanna, A., Salvetti, C., Crisa, E., Allione, B., Danise, P., Finelli, C., Clavio, M., Oliva, E. N., Musto, P., Houston, B., Zhu, N., Geddes, M., Leight, H., Leber, B., Sabloff, M., Nevill, T. J., Yee, K. W., Storring, J. M., Francis, J., Maurillo, L., Latagliata, R., Spiriti, M. A. A., Andriani, A., Picconi, A. L., Fianci, L., Fenu, S., Gumenyuk, S., & Buccisano, F.
ITACA: A new validated international erythropoietic stimulating agent-response score that further refines the predictive power of previous scoring systems
Cull, A. H., Snetsinger, N., Buckstein, R., Wells, R. A., & Rauh, M. J.
Tet2 restrains inflammatory gene expression in macrophages
Lin, Y., Saskin, A., Wells, R. A., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., Callum, J., & Buckstein, R.
Prophylactic Rh and Kell antigen matching significantly decrease rates of alloimmunization in transfusion dependent MDS patients
Blunt, D. N., Wells, R. A., Lenis, M., Chodirker, L., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Fulcher, J., Sabloff, M., Keating, M., Leber, B., Leitch, H. A., Yee, K. W. L., St-Hilarie, E., Finn, N. G., Shamy, A., Elemary, M., Delage, R., Rockwood, K., Banerji, V., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.
Health related quality of life remains stable over time in myelodysplastic syndrome: and MDS-CAN prospective study
Leitch, H. A., Buckstein, R., Zhu, N., Nevill, T. J., Yee, K. W. L., Leber, B., Keating MM., St Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Delage, R., Geddes, M., Storring, J. M., Shamy, A., Elemary, M., & Wells, R. A.
Iron overload in myelodysplastic syndromes: evidence based guidelines from the Canadian consortium on MDS
Mozessohn, L., Cheung, M. C., Fallahpour, S., Gill, T., Maloul, A., Zhnag, L., Lau, O., & Buckstein, R.
Azacitidine in the 'real-world': an evaluation of 1101 higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome/low blast count acute myeloid leukemia patients in Ontario, Canada.
Cull, A. H., Mahendru, D., Snetsinger, B., Good, D., Tyryshkin, K., Chesyney, A., Ghorab, Z., Reis, M., Buckstein, R., Wells, R. A., & Rauh, M. J.
Overexpression of arginase 1 is linked to DNMT3A and TET2 mutations in lower-grade myelodysplastic syndromes and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
Abegunde, S. O., Buckstein, R., Wells, R. A., & Rauh, M. J.
An inflammatory environment containing TNFα favors Tet2-mutant clonal hematopoiesis
Buckstein, R., Zhu, N., Keating, M., Leer, B., Chodirker, L., Sabloff, M.,Christou, G., Leitch, H. A., St. Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Yee, K. W. L., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Lenis, M., Kirubananthaan, A., Liu, F., Tang, D., Westcott, C., Wei-Hsuen Huang, W., Wang, D., Cameron, C., Morison, J., Spin, P., & Mamerdov, A.
Persistent red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is associated with increased mortality risk in transfusion-dependent (TD) patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with ring sideroblasts (RS+)
Buckstein, R., Chodirker, L., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Christou, G., Sabloff, M., Keating, M., Leber, B., Leitch, H. A., Yee, K. W. L., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Nevill, T. J., Storring, J., Shamy, A., Banerji, V., Elemary, M., Delage, R., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., Kirubananthaan, A., & Wells, R. A.
Intermittent transfusion independence is associated with improved overall survival in patients with transfusion dependent MDS
Wan, B. A., Wells, R. A., Chodirker, L., Rockwood, K., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Christou, G., Sabloff, M., Keating, M., Leber, B., Leitch, H. A., Yee, K. W. L., Sti-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Storring, J., Nevill, T. J., Shammy, A., Banerji, V., Elemary, M., Delage, R., Mamedov, A., Lenis, M., Zhang, L., Kirubananthaan, A., Alibhai, S., & Buckstein, R.
Prognostic performance of frailty measures in MDS patients treated with hypomethylating agents
Cook, E. K., Izukawa, T., Young, S., Rosen, G., Jamali, M., Zhang, L., Johnson, D., Bain, E., Hilland, J., Ferrone, C. K., Buckstein, J., Francix, J., Momtaz, B., McNaughton, A. J. M., Liu, X., Snetsinger, B., Buckstein, R., & Rauh, M. J.
Comorbid and inflammatory characteristics of genetic subtypes of clonal hematopoiesis
Buckstein, R.
Integrating patient-centered factors in the risk assessment of MDS.
Vijenthira, A., Premkumar, D., Callum, J., Lin, Y., Wells, R. A., Chodirker, L., Lenis, M., Mamedov, A., & Buckstein, R.
The management and outcomes of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome with persistent severe thrombocytopenia: an observational single centre registry study
Starkman, R., Alibhai, S., Wells, R. A., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M. M., Leber, B., Chodirker, L., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leitch, H. A., St-Hilaire, E., Finnd, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K., Storring, J., Nevill, T., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banergi, V, Lenis, M., Kirubananthaan, A., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., Rockwood, K., & Buckstein, R.
An MDS-specific frailty index based on cumulative defecits adds independent prognostic information to clinical prognostic scoring
Mozessohn, L., Cheung, M. C., Mittmann, N., Earle, C. C., Liu, N., & Buckstein, R.
Healthcare utilization in patients with higher-risk MDS/low-blast count AML treated with azacitidine in the 'real-world'
Wan, B. A., Nazha, A., Starkman, R., Alibhai, S., Wells, R. A., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M., Leber, B., Chodirker, L., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leitch, H. A., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K. W. L., Storring, J., Nevill, T. J., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Parmentier, A., Siddiqui, M., Kirubananthaan, A., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.
Revised 15-item MDS-specific frailty scale maintains prognostic potental
Buckstein, R., Chodirker, L., Yee, K., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Shamy, A., Leitch, H., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Banerji, V., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Nevill, T., Keating, M., Storring, J., Delage, R., Parmentier, A., Thambipillai, A., Tang, D., Morison, J., Westcott, C., Cameron, C., Spin, P., & Mamedov, A.
Natural hisotry of lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts: a restrospective analysis of the MDS-CAN Registry
Buckstein, R., Chodirker, L., Yee, K., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Shamy, A., Leitch, H., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Banerji, V., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Nevill, T., Keating, M., Storring, J., Delage, R., Parmentier, A., Thambipillai, A., Tang, D., Morison, J., Westcott, C., Cameron, C., Spin, P., & Mamedov, A.
The burden of red blood cell transfusions on overall survival, healthcare resource utilization, and quality of life in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and ring sideroblasts
Amitai, I., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., Leitch, A., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K. W. L., Storring, J. M., Nevill, T. J., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Chodirker, L., Mozessohn, L., Parmentier, A., Siddiqui, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R. J.
Fatigue, however measured, continues to refine prognosis in higher risk MDS: an MDS-CAN Study
Teichman, J., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K. W. L., Storring, J. M., Nevill, T. J., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Mozessohn, M., Chodirker, L., Zhang, L., Siddiqui, M., Parmentier, A., Leitch, H. A., & Buckstein, R. J.
High transfusion dependence and serum ferritin but not transferrin saturation predict inferior clinical outcomes in patients with MDS
Radakovich, N., Sallman, D. A., Buckstein, R., Brunner, A., Mukherjee, S., Komrokji, R., Al Ali, N., Shreve, J., Rouphail, Y., Kerr, C., Guan, Y., Kuzmanovic, T., Hasipek, M., Jha, B., Maciekewski, J., Sekeres, M., & Nazha, A.
Multicenter calidation of a personalized model to predict hypomethylating agent response in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
Mozessohn, L., Cheung, M. C., Mittmann, N., Earle, C. C., Liu, N., & Buckstein, R.
Real-world costs of azacitidine treatment in patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes/low blast-count acute myeloid leukemia
Stanworth, S. J., Kilick, S., McQuilten, Z. K., Karakantza, M., Weinkove, R. Smethurst,H., Pankhurst, L. A., Hodgem R. L., Hopkins, V., Thomas, H. L., Deary, A. J., Callum, J., Lin, Y., Wook, E. M., Buckstein, R., Bowen, D., & REDDS Investigators.
Red cell transfusion in outpatients with myelodysplastic syndromes: a feasibility and exploratory randomised trial
Amitai, I., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., Leitch, A., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K. W. L., Storring, J. M., Nevill, T. J., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Chodirker, L., Mozessohn, L., Parmentier, A., Siddiqui, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., & Buckstein, R.J.
Patient-reported fatigue refines prognosis in higher risk MDS: An MDS-CAN study
Hasserjian, R. P., Buckstein, R., and Patnaik, M. M.
Navigating myelodysplastic and myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative overlap syndromes
Brailovski, E., Mozessohn, L., Abel, G., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M-M., Sabloff, N., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., Leitch, H., St Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yess, K., storring, J., Nevill, T., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Houston, B., Chodirker, L., Parmentier, A., Siddiqui, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., and Buckstein, R.
The impact of gaining or losing transfusion independence on quality of life in myelodysplastic syndromes
Leitch, H., Ezzat, H., Merkely, H., Buckstein, R., Zhum, N., Nevill, T., Olney, H., Yee, K., Leber, B., Keating, M-M., St Hilaire, E., Kumar, R., Delage, R., Geddes, M., Storring, J., Shamy, A., Elemary, M., and Wells, R.
MDS Iron road: an internet-based algorithm for the diagnosis, workup and management of iron overload in MDS from the Canadian consortium on MDS (CCMDS)
Brailovski, E., Mozessohn, L., Abel, G., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M-M., Sabloff, N., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., Leitch, H., St Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yess, K., storring, J., Nevill, T., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Houst
The impact of oral hypoglycemics and statins on outcomes in myelodysplastic syndroms
Radakovich, N., Sallman, D. A., Buckstein, R., Brunner, A., Dezern, A., Mukerjee, S., Komrokii, R., Al-Ali,N., Shreve, J., Rouphail, Y., Parmentier, A., Mamedov, A., Siddiqui, M., Guan, Y., Kuzmanovic, T., Hasipek, M., Jha, B., Maciejewski, J. P., Skeres, M. A., and Nazha, A.
A machine learning model of response to hypomethylating agents in myelodysplastic syndromes
Buckstein, R., Chodirker, L., Mozessohn, L., Yee, K. W. L., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Shamy, A., Leitch, H. A., Christou, G., Banerji, V., Lever, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Nevill, T., Keating, M-M., Storring, J., Delage, R., Parmentier, A., Thambipillai, A., Siddiqui, M., Westcott, C., Cameron, C., Mamedov, A., Spin, P., and Tang, D.
A natural history of lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts: an analysis of the MDS-CAN registry
Teichman, J., Geddes, M., Zhu, N., Keating, M-M., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Shamy, A., Yee, K. W. L., Storring, J. M., Nevill, T. J., Delage, R., Elemary, M., Banerji, V., Houston, B., Mozessohn, L., Chodirker, L., Zhang, L. Siddiqui, M., Parmentier, A., Leitch, H. A., and Buckstein, R. J.
High transfusion dependence and serum ferritin but not transferrin saturation predict inferior clinical outcomes in patients with MDS
Vijenthira, A., Starkman, R., Lin, Y., Stanworth, S. J., Bowen, D., Harrison, L., Wintrich, s., Callum, J., and Buckstein R.
Multi-national survey of transfusion experiences and preferences of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome
Buckstein, R., Chodirker, L., Yee, K. W. L., Geddes, M., Leitch, H. A., Christou, G., Banerji, V., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., St-Hilaire, E., Finn, N., Nevill, T., Keating, M. M., Storring, J., Parmentier, A., Thambipallai, A., Tang, D., Westcott, C., Cameron, C., and Spin, P.
The burden of red blood cell transfusions in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and ring sideroblasts: an analysis of the prospective MDS- CAN registry
Mozessohn, L., Qing, Li., Liu, N., Leber, B., Khalaf, D., Sabloff, M., Christou, G., Yee, K., Chodirker, L., Parmentier, A., Siddiqui, M., Mamedov, A., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Earle, C. C., Cheung, M. C., Mittmann, N., and Buckstein, R.
Impact of frailty of health care resource utilization and costs of care in myelodysplastic syndromes