OCC Hematology Disease Site Group

Welcome to the MDS program

Our website is a link to a comprehensive national MDS database housed at the Odette Cancer Center, Sunnybrook hospital. The MDS program was launched locally in 2004 and now encompasses many "centers of MDS excellence" across Canada. This project has received peer reviewed funding from CIHR and is currently supported by unrestricted educational grants from Celgene Canada.

This registry has been designed to capture detailed disease and patient related factors at baseline and over time. The patient related factors include comorbidity, frailty, disability, physical performance, and quality of life. The disease related factors that we capture include WHO classification, prognostic score, detailed bone marrow and cytogenetic characteristics, transfusion status, treatments received (with response) and toxicity.

This database permits:

  1. The evaluation of the epidemiology of MDS across Canada and by province
  2. The evaluation of QOL over time and its predictors
  3. The use of health utilities for pharmacoeconomic modeling
  4. The effect of patient related factors on disease course independent of disease related factors
  5. Translational research where tissue banking exists

Program participants

5 Tom Baker Cancer Centre Calgary
6 University of Alberta Hospital / Stollery Children’s Hospital Edmonton
British Columbia
8 St. Paul’s Hospital Vancouver
13 Vancouver General Hospital Vancouver
10 CancerCare Manitoba Winnipeg
New Brunswick
12 Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Regional Hospital Moncton
Nova Scotia
14 QEII Health Sciences Centre Halifax
1 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Toronto
4 Princess Margaret Hospital – University Health Network Toronto
9 The Ottawa Hospital, General Campus Ottawa
11 Juravinski Cancer Centre Hamilton
7 Jewish General Hospital Montreal
15 Royal Victoria Hospital Montreal
17 CHU de Quebec Quebec City
16 Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Saskatoon

We encourage physicians to register with this program . This can be easily done by emailing MDS-CAN team. By registering, physicians receive a secure password and site number. This enables them to securely record individual anonymized patient data on our server, accessible only to the registered owner of the data and central managers. The database creator and programmer is Alexandre Mamedov